Saturday, July 01, 2006

Ashaara (Lifestyle boutique) launched in Chennai

Asharaa, a lifestyle boutique launched its new outlet in Chennai Wednesday. The outlet stocks over 200 designs of box furniture in five differnt stains of wood, 11 hand-carved textures, and every piece is available in 55 configurations to satisfy customers.(more...)

Chennai based Summit HR Worldwide in trouble

A new call centre scam has surfaced in India. This time an overseas client has been put in the dock by a Chennai-based business process outsourcing (BPO) firm dealing in payroll and human resource support for allegedly stealing its ‘intellectual property’. The complainant is Summit HR Worldwide and the accused is Irving, Texas-headquartered US Personnel Inc, also an outsourcing firm.(more...)

India to get first maritime varsity(In Chennai)

Decks have been cleared for establishing the first maritime university in the country.

The Indian Maritime University will come up in Chennai on the patterns of the World Maritime University (WMU) in Malmo, Switzerland, and will have three regional campuses - in Mumbai, Vizag and Kolkata.(more...)